Sports Tracker for iPhone v.1.7.2 out now: Fixes and Terrain Map support

We pushed yet another fix to our iPhone app to address the issues some of our users have experienced. Thanks again for everyone that helped us track down those nasty little bugs!

We’ve also added support for Google’s terrain maps which is especially useful for those tracking outside the concrete jungle :) You can switch to terrain mode by maximizing the the map in workout view and then opening the map options in the top right corner of the screen.

What’s new in v.1.7.2

  • Terrain maps
  • Email based login works now for all users
  • Sync crash fixed
  • Map crash fixed
  • Startup performance improved
  • iOS 4.x compatibility in registration reminder fixed
  • Comment field is not shown if the user isn’t logged in
  • Twitter sharing authentication fixed
  • A potential crash in settings view in case of authentication failure fixed
  • Version info shown in Settings view
To update your app just open App Store on your iPhone and check the latest updates.

Happy tracking!

Team Sports Tracker

p.s. An update to our Windows Phone app will also be out in the very near future :)


  1. Ronald

    When we get good Terrain maps? The Apple terrain maps are terrible. Use open streetmaps like

  2. Maude


    I have upload the 1.7.2 version on my Iphone, but I can’t sync the workout. Somebody know how to sync my workout?


    1. Katja/ team Sports Tracker

      Hi, are you using emoji characters? If you are, please delete them and the app will sync again. Also, try to log out and in again.

  3. Reka

    Hello Everyone!

    Could you give any advice for trackers like me, who would like to get a HRM for i phone 3GS? Im searching for a special one, which detects also arrythmia. I was adviced to use Garmin or Polar watches, but Im searching for a gadget with chest strap, which also delivers data to my phone(3GS). Thank you in advance for any help!
    Bye, Reka

    1. Katja/ team Sports Tracker

      Hi Reka, currently there is no belt that works with our iPhone app.

  4. Miroslav

    Still craving for that HRM compatible with iPhone.

  5. Adrian

    Still craving for that HRM compatible with iPhone!

  6. mrplot

    Helt värdelös jämfört med hur den fungerar i Symbian. Så fort du gör något på telefonen så stannar appen
    Du kan inte fotografera och lägga till bilder för då dör appen.
    Du kan inte lyssna på musik för då dör appen.
    Du vet aldrig om det du mäter blir klart = skit

  7. duguzuyang

    I am expecting Chinese version

  8. Peter Himmelstrup

    The Update still havent fixed the syncing problem. I have 21 old workouts that are not synced! Do something ST…!

    1. Katja/ team Sports Tracker

      Hi, sorry for the inconvenience! Please contact us at so we get more detailed information.

    2. Guillaume

      Common issue when sport tracker is updated.
      In settings, just sign out. Close the apllication and sign in.
      All your old workout will be uploaded.
      Hope that helps you !

  9. PsychoTracker

    I still wait for the Symbian update…

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